Can a Person Who Was a Cocaine Addict Drink Alcohol Occasionally After Rehab?

Question by kat: Can a person who was a cocaine addict drink alcohol occasionally after rehab?
My husband is getting out of a 6 month drug rehab program on Friday. I want to know if it is ok to allow him to drink alcohol or not. Alcohol was never a problem foe him, cocaine was his only addiction. I do not drink very often. I will maybe have 1 or 2 drinks every couple of months. I just wanted to know if I should ban all alcohol from our home? I just need some guidance on this one. Serious, helpful answers please.

Best answer:

Answer by the_only_solorose
the risk that he could trade one addiction for another is pretty high. To be on the safe side, I would remove all alcohol from the house.

Answer by sheilasays
“when we substitute one for another(any drug or drink) we realize our addictions all over again”. go with him to meetings for 90 days and then if he wants to drink you wont be able to stop him. if you don’t know much about addiction go to nar-anon or other groups, you’ll find others like you. that is my advice.