Christians, Muslims and Jews: Is alchoholism/Drugs a Great Problem in Your Societies?

Question by  : Christians, Muslims and Jews: Is alchoholism/Drugs a great problem in your societies?
Do you have lots of rehab centers? Do you have starts/celebrities in rehab, jail because of this problem? Do you see drugs been sold in and around your community?

Best answer:

Answer by sen b
I don’t know one Muslim personally who drinks or does drugs i know 1 who smokes and that’s it. I don’t live in a Muslim society but the society i do live in has a major drink and drugs problem.

Answer by Paganhonor
The world is mainly under the Christian influence so yes there is alot of alcoholism/drug problems going on. In Islam it is forbidden for a person to have anything that would intoxicate them and put them out of their normal state. Also from what i heard it is forbidden to be around someone with any kind of intoxicant in Islam. For Jews i dont know really I would guess they have just as big of a problem with it as do Christian areas but probably less of it happening.