Drug Rehab?

Question by chickster360: drug rehab?
im on 18 months formal probation and im required to go to 6-month outpatient program drug rehab. i cant afford a lot of money. does anyone have any resources for me?

Best answer:

Answer by Bertie D
um let me see No not ever

Answer by :)Simplify
There are usually state funded re-habs and at a low cost or nothing at all. Type in your state – ex: Oklahoma state drug rehab or something of that nature. Hope this helps. Or you could call a local hospital and they may be helpful. I had to do the same thing and it took awhile to find one that was affordable. I was not court ordered, but on my Attorney’s suggestion. The outcome of the deal I was in, was not good. I would get into one asap, be a trooper and get with their program, because they will write a report and give it to the judge. And yes he will take that into consideration. Good Luck to you.

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