Help Me With Newer Movies About Drugs?

Question by zachleez: Help me with newer movies about drugs?
I am trying to find some movies about drugs specifically Heroin or any opiates. I am interested in movies that either deal with addiction, or just simply the use, they can be about anything really not just related to rehab just have to have Heroin use or Oxycontin or any opiates in them. I would prefer them to be made after 1995.

Best answer:

Answer by Ellen
I know this is probably an obvious answer, and it’s not really a newer movie, but Requiem For A Dream is an excellent film about drugs.

Answer by Kaviani999

Requiem For a Dream

The Last Minute

From Hell
(Not mentioned in the synopsis, but the detective’s “visions” are opium induced and have scenes of opium dens from Victorian times. He also dies from an overdose eventually.)

Heroin Detox Centers in North Carolina(2) The Natural Heroin Detox and Rapid Detox- produce actual dependencies because of the heroin dr…