How Do I Stop Demons and Possession When It Comes to Marijuana?

Question by : How Do I Stop Demons And Possession When It Comes To Marijuana?
A Little While Ago, I Was Young And I Lost Faith And Dipped My Foot In “Bad Things” Denied Jesus. I Have Recently Went To Church And Decided To Change Things, Help Myself And Others If I Can. I Am Brand New To Bettering My Life In This Way. I Have Delt With Strong Possession And Haven’t Won Much, I Now Bear A Cross On My Finger, And This Seems To Help A Lot. I Am Starting To Thumb Through The Bible And This Also Seems To Help. Now Before I Lost Faith When I Was Young I Could Smoke Marijuana And Be Fine, It Made Me Think And Smile And Maybe Un Focus A Little But It Was A Good Thing, I Was Young So I Used Maybe A little To Much But I Still Had Full Control Over My Life. I May Be Somewhat Addicted But The Pot Itself Does Not Do Much Harm, And I Smoke A Lot Less. But Now When I Smoke I feel It Coming, Strong Possession. Like Bad Things Attacking Me From A Lot Of Angles. I Really Enjoy When I Am Protected And Feeling The Effects Of Marijuana, But I Can’t Handle Being Attacked. Most Would Say I Should Just Stop Smoking. My Question Is Does Anyone Know Of A Talisman Or Anti-Symbol I Could Use To Keep These Demons Away? I Was Thinking Maybe A burning Pot Leaf Or Something Of That Nature, I Would Also Like To Know The History Of That, Pot And Possession, When It Does Not Affect You In That Way I Think It Could Be A Really Great Thing. What Do You Think?
Good Responses, Fast, Thank You. Keep Them Coming Please, And Sry About The Shift Key, Yeah..

Best answer:

Answer by Smoke Some D.M.T 13itch
I thought the same thing. I didn’t smoke pot because i thought it made you stupid.
I bought into it just as much as anybody did. But i realized that i was tricked.
I was like you gotta be freaking kidding me. But people say well you can abuse marijuana.
Well you can abuse cheeseburgers too, But you don’t go around closing burger king
because you can abuse something. I can take a fork and jam it into my eyeballs, does
that mean forks should be illegal? I can jump off a bridge, should we outlaw bridges?
Let’s nerf the world.

Spokesmen for giant special interest groups, whether those special interest groups
be law inforcement, or whether they’re private prisons, or if they’re pharmaceutical
companies, or if they’re oil companies. We have spokesmen for gigantic corporations
that are trying to calm us, get us to press the right button at the voting booth. It’s real simple. You put your loafers on, your black socks on, you get in your car
and you have your briefcase, you say hi to your neighbors, he mows his lawn just like
you do, and things keep moving along the same direction they always have been.
That’s why marijuana laws exist.

If people do do drugs, and they commit crimes while on those drugs, they should
infact be punished. But you can’t punish someone for something that hurts no one.
In 10,000 years of known use for marijuana, there never has been a single death
contributed to marijuana. There’s 400,000 thousand deaths in america alone every
year that are directly attributed tobacco. How many people in this country alone
are addicted to antidepressants? How many people who are on antidepressants
have imbalences, how many have just got off of a bad relationship? i mean they’re

The people that have personality problems, and the people that are gonna be lazy
and gonna lose their job, they’re gonna lose their job anyway. There not losing their
job because of marijuana, that’s just a lie. A great quote that life is a tragedy to
those who feel in a comedy to those who think. And if you’re thinker, and you look
at the marijuana situation, and you’re not laughing, you’re freaking dumb.
It’s a weird thing that you do when you make nature against the law.

Answer by Boromir Son of denethor
A friend with weed is possesed indeed

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