If You Are in a Drug Rehab Center and You Slip and Fall on Waxed Stairs W/no Warning Signs Posted Can You Sue?

Question by keye: If you are in a drug rehab center and you slip and fall on waxed stairs w/no warning signs posted can you sue?
This is Texas and I was given a form to sign when arrived relieving them of responsiblities if injured. But I was on drugs when I signed it. Now clean. The stairs were waxed in the a.m. and there were no caution signs anywhere. I slipped and went down hard and reinjured a previous shoulder injury on the 2 X 4 being used for the hand rail. I didn’t report it until the next day, hoping that it wasn’t as serious as it turned out. I requested for 4 days to seek medical attention when they finally took me to a local urgent care facility. After seeing a physician and getting an ant-inflamatory prescription I was expected to pay for the treatment and prescription. I had no money, which they were very aware of , and no insurance. What rights do I have in this situation and is there someplace I can go to find my rights while in a rehab center.

Best answer:

Answer by An0nym0us mAn1Ac
Talk to a lawyer.

Answer by cdn_ash
Definitely seek legal counsel if you can. I realize you signed the waiver, but surely they should have closed the stairs or posted warning signs for the safety of their residents and out of courtesy. What if it had been a staff member and not a patient who had fallen? I bet there’d be hell to pay.