Increased Use of Anti-Overdose Drug May Give Addicts False Sense of Security … – PR Web (Press Release)

Increased Use of Anti-Overdose Drug May Give Addicts False Sense of Security … – PR Web (press release)

Increased Use of Anti-Overdose Drug May Give Addicts False Sense of Security
PR Web (press release)
However, well meaning, these efforts may actually enable drug use while diverting attention from much needed prevention programs, says Reza Ghorbani, MD, president and medical director of the Advanced Pain Medicine Institute of Greater Washington, DC 

drug abuse washington d.c. – Google News

Film about addiction playing in Naperville – Naperville Sun

Film about addiction playing in Naperville
Naperville Sun
Pat Taylor, the executive director for Faces and Voices of Recovery based in Washington, D.C., agrees that recovery is long and multi-faceted. “For people coming out of treatment and jail, they need a host of services and support,” she said. “They need

drug abuse washington d.c. – Google News