Is It Arrogant to Assume That the Women and Children Living in the Mormon Compound in Texas Need Our Help?

Question by nickthaniel1: Is it arrogant to assume that the women and children living in the mormon compound in Texas need our help?
How many of them are raised by single mothers? Alcoholic parents? Drug abusing parents?

If the law is being violated enforce it. But anyone who isn’t concerned by this raid and the incarceration of hundreds of children by government agents is in denial.

Best answer:

Answer by zaphodsclone
I don’t know all the facts but if there are young teens being sexually molested by old men than I got no problem with this being stopped.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Teenage Substance Abuse part 1 – John Knight, MD, is director of the Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research at Children’s Hospital Boston. He has served as a consultant to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and the President’s Office of National Drug Control Policy. In this interview, he talks about underage drinking, how to recognize a substance abuse problem and how parents can help their children learn to drink responsibly.