Methadone Clinic Whereabouts?

Question by AliCat: Methadone Clinic Whereabouts?
Does anyone know if or where there is a methadone clinic in or near Edina, MN? (that’s basically a subdivision of Minneapolis)
Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by char g
Can I talk to you about Methadone before you decide that you want to get on it. The first question is why do you want to get on it? Are you addicted to prescription painkillers? I was too and I went on methodone to try to get off of the pain pills. It was the worst mistake of my life. If you want to go on it to get off of Heroin then that is another story.

Methadone is another drug so you are just trading in one drug for another. Not only is it addictive it is harder than hell to get off of.

I was on it for about two months and got pnuemonia and went into the hospital. I told my doctor that I wanted off of it and he started weaning me off of it. It took over two months to get off of it.

If you have a painkiller addiction I would suggest that you find a doctor in your area that specializes in addictive medicine. There is a drug called Seboxin out there that is used to get people off of Opiates and that would include heroin. It is such a special drug that only certain doctors can prescribe it. I was able to come off of the Vicodins without any drug withdrawels at all and was not sick.

Before you try methodone please look for a doctor that specializes in drug addiction and ask about the Seboxin. It was the best decision that I ever made.

If you need a Methadone Clinic in your area you should look in the phone book and you should be able to find one in the area. Good Luck

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