Obamas Might Stay in Washington After Presidency Ends

Obamas Might Stay in Washington After Presidency Ends
The first family might choose to stay in Washington, D.C., after President Obama leaves office in 2016, the president and first lady Michelle Obama told ABC News’ Barbara Walters in an interview. By then, their eldest daughter Malia will be in … washington d.c. – Bing News

Washington, D.C., offers a bounty of festive delights for holiday travellers
WASHINGTON – The U.S. capital is elegant on its dreariest days, but never more so than during the holidays, when its stately buildings and iconic monuments shimmer with festive finery and some of its most popular attractions revel in the spirit … washington d.c. – Bing News

Obama May Stay in Washington After Term Ends
Mr. Obama said the family might stay in order to make sure their younger daughter, Sasha, isn’t uprooted before finishing high school. It is rare for former presidents to remain in Washington after their term ends. “You know we gotta make … washington d.c. – Bing News