Saving the City's Young Men, One Boy at a Time

Saving the city's young men, one boy at a time

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

They told the boys that despite what they see or hear from family members or the toughs in their neighborhoods, they can make something of themselves. And then Nixon asked them for a show of hands: Raise your hand if you grew up without your father.
Read more on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


Alzheimer's Association and Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

To provide guidance for physicians, individuals and families affected by Alzheimer's, and the public, the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) and the Alzheimer's Association have jointly published the first criteria for the …
Read more on Sacramento Bee



My dad is high as a kite,Dont do drugs kids! – This is pretty funny yet depressing at the same time,you gotta watch this,my dad at the time was high on valium,taking at least five or ten 10mg’s at a time,also I hope this helps anyone out with a family member that has a addiction to something.You’re not alone.