Should I Feel Bad for This?

Question by : should i feel bad for this?
we were tlaking about my brother going to rehab(not drugs aa) and my dad was joking saying he’ll end up on dr drew on tv and my mom said something to the affect of “yeah thats what we(him i cant remember which one she said) right now
and i said “no one prob watches that that we know”

i dont want my mom thinking im ashamed of my brother cuz im not!
she always says she gives people the benefit of the doubt and my mom knows i put my foot in my mouth
before when i thought she was upset at something i said i mentioned it and she didnt even remember what i said

i feel horrible!?
my borther is in kentucky

Best answer:

Answer by Jose C
Just talk to your mom and you’ll solve the problem with her and tell her the truth of what u feel

Answer by iloveneckties
Don’t feel bad. I put my foot in my mouth all the time. Our parents understand, it may hurt them for a few minutes but then they remember that we aren’t like that, that we aren’t those kinds of people and we would never want to hurt them. I thnk you might be kind of overreacting in your own mind. That’s what it sounded like to you, but I don’t think she took it that way so no worries!!!