Substance Abuse or Mental Health Counseling or Social Work?

Question by Kate: Substance abuse or mental health counseling or social work?
I plan on switching my major to substance abuse or mental health counseling or social work. I don’t know which one to choose.

Best answer:

Answer by Just Mary
They’re all good fields of study. You have to go with what you like.

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The Biology of Substance Abuse: What Parents of Teens Need to Know – Mary Jeanne Kreek, Bruce McEwen, The Rockefeller University: In discussions about teenage drug use, the biological perspective is often overlooked. The emotional and psychological dimensions of substance abuse are intricately connected to genes and hormones that regulate the stress response and shape the developing brain. The Winter 2010 Parents & Science program featured MARY JEANNE KREEK, a pioneer in the study of addiction as a medical condition, and BRUCE S. MCEWEN, an authority on hormones and the nervous system.