Three People Linked in Death by Heroin, a Longtime DC Drug Dealer and an … – Washington Post

Three people linked in death by heroin, a longtime DC drug dealer and an … – Washington Post

Three people linked in death by heroin, a longtime DC drug dealer and an
Washington Post
The man who sold drugs to her, Eugene Williams, was sentenced in federal court Friday. (Eva Russo/For The Washington Post) … “There's 150 Shines in D.C. . . . They see the money come through the window, and they put the packages in the door, and they

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drug abuse washington d.c. – Google News

HAYC3 plans meeting on drug abuse – Bennington Banner

HAYC3 plans meeting on drug abuse
Bennington Banner
On Wednesday, April 16, Baker attended an executive committee on drug abuse in Washington, D.C., which sought to answer the question, why now so much heroin? "It makes sense from the national and international perspective," Baker said. "There is so …

drug abuse washington d.c. – Google News

Attorney general endorses overdose-reversal drug used by Anne Arundel police –

Attorney general endorses overdose-reversal drug used by Anne Arundel police
Now, he said, it "is truly a national problem." The U.S. Department of Justice says 17 states and Washington, D.C., are taking steps to increase access to Narcan, and that it has resulted in more than 10,000 overdose reversals since 2001. The Queen

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drug abuse washington d.c. – Google News