What Does a Substance Abuse Evaluation Envolve?

Question by pete: what does a substance abuse evaluation envolve?

Best answer:

Answer by thebattwoman
Everywhere does it a little differently but the basics are the same:

Physical Examination, Psychological Testing, and a Psychiatric Evaluation (if indicated) all conducted by out staff of Licensed Physicians, Psychologists and Psychiatrists.

Assessment testing utilizing nationally recognized and validated screening tools, (Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory, SASSI-3, Michigan Alcohol Screening Test, MAST, Diagnostic Statistical Manual, DSM-IV and the American Society of Addiction Medicine Diagnostic Criteria for Substance Abuse and Dependence).

A Psychosocial evaluation is conducted by a Master’s Level Addiction Specialist.

Clients are observed for mood, behavior and mental status.

Clinical interview and evaluation. (This comprehensive interview is conducted to gather information in a number of areas including family background, social history, legal history, medical history, mental health history and substance use history and patterns. The interview also assesses client responses and reactions).

Following the Evaluations a written Clinical Summary and Treatment Recommendation is generated and supplied to the client and/or referral source.