What Procedures Does One Have to Go Through to Leave Drug Rehab?

Question by wrongnumber: What procedures does one have to go through to leave drug rehab?
Like, what standard tests, etc. does someone have to go through before they leave?

Best answer:

Answer by Rachel
If you are in a residential addiction treatment program you will have a discharge planner assigned to you before you leave treatment. A discharge planner will review a relapse prevention plan such as meeting schedule, psychiatrist appointments if needed, half way housing or sober living, and outpatient programs to continue step down treatment. If there is no discharge planner in the facility you have chosen to go to then your primary therapist should also do the discharge planner position.

As far as I know there aren’t any tests that you have to take to leave voluntary treatment. If you have a probation officer he or she may require a drug test upon your next visit with them. If you start outpatient from residential treatment then the program may drug test you before starting to ensure that you did not relapse.

Hope this is helpful.

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