Does American Liberalism and the Promotion of Identity Politics Aim at Diversity of the Ruling Class Instead ?

Question by justgoodfolk: Does American liberalism and the promotion of identity politics aim at diversity of the ruling class instead ?
of equality for all like this article suggests and socialists believe? How do liberals react to these left wing observations concerning their ideology?

The top one percent in American society controls more than 45 percent of the wealth. The top one-tenth of one percent has monopolized nearly the entire increase in national wealth over the last two decades, while the vast majority of the people have seen their living conditions deteriorate, their jobs become more precarious, their overall social position become more insecure.
For black workers and youth, the decline has been even more precipitous. It is hardly necessary to recite the well-known figures: more young black men in prison than in college, crumbling schools and other social services in the inner cities, poverty levels once again approaching those of the early 1960s, disproportionate levels of unemployment, drug abuse, violence, homelessness and other social evils.
This social polarization has been to some extent masked by the inclusion of a small layer of blacks, women, gays, Hispanics, etc., in the privileged elite. But the rise of an Oprah Winfrey or a Tiger Woods or a Barack Obama does not make America a more egalitarian society.
Excactly zee ster.
Smartty Kat. I’m sure you believe that but it isn’t true.

In terms of the human development index, the has fallen from second place in 1990 (behind Canada) to 12th place. This decline continued through both the Clinton and Bush administrations, with the US falling to sixth in 1995, ninth in 2000, and 12th in 2005.
In certain respects, the decline is even worse. The US is 34th in infant mortality—with a level comparable to Croatia, Estonia, Poland and Cuba. US school children perform significantly below their counterparts in countries like Canada, France, Germany and Japan, and 14 percent of the population, some 40 million people, lack basic literacy and number skills.
Of the world’s 30 richest nations, which comprise the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United States has the highest proportion of children living in poverty, 15 percent, and the most people in prison, both in absolute numbers and as a percentage of the whole population.
With five percent of the world’s population, the US has 24 percent of the world’s prisoners.
The report notes: “Social mobility is now less fluid in the United States than in other affluent nations. Indeed, a poor child born in Germany, France, Canada or one of the Nordic countries has a better chance to join the middle class in adulthood than an American child born into similar circumstances.”
In overall life expectancy, the United States ranks an astonishing 42nd, behind not only Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and all the countries of Western Europe, but also Israel, Greece, Singapore, Costa Rica and South Korea.

Best answer:

Answer by Forget War Buy More
Yes, currently.

The US struggles more than most nations with diversity as we are a much more heterogenous nation that the majority of other developed nations. Many EU nations have a seen an upsurge in diverse populations, but it is also not reflected in elite class.

Answer by black leopard
the left keeps america divided

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4 Responses to Does American Liberalism and the Promotion of Identity Politics Aim at Diversity of the Ruling Class Instead ?

  • Zee-ster says:

    Society will never become more egalitarian so long as the top 1% controls practically everything, whether or not there is diversity among the top 1%. That alone is tokenism & adds a thin sheen of lustre to the myth that our society is merit based and fair.

  • hotpinkKITTY says:

    Everything for the ruling class..they have all the privilege, all the advantages and all the money and they need to keep the rest of us down.

    The Revolution is coming.

  • Smudgeward says:

    What you appear to be after is a giant people blender for making soylent green!

  • warrior says:

    Individualism, be yourself, be you… Don’t allow anyone to dictate to you who you are… Be all that you can be– without joining the Army… Each US Citizen by their birth rights or through naturalization has equal rights and are limited by themselves only. This is a wide pattern, like a shotgun blast, of what was blasted at us during the 60’s when we became a bunch of self-centered individuals and we broke our foundations that were much more important than us and we opened up the doors for a lifestyle controlled by the seven deadly sins and we became nothing more than compost for our peer pressures and commercialism: and We the people died…

    Now, without our unity to defend us from the elite Western Europeans, who have as yet to recognize the USA as an independent nation not their colonists; our economy is in shambles, our lifestyle has been reduced to a struggle, and the sons and daughters of We are expected to fulfill the role of an international police force: destined to suffer or die to protect the interests of the international bankers; whether they eventually come home to no jobs or not.

    Dwelling upon the color issue is something that the international bankers would have us do. It maintains the divisiveness that they yearn to exploit to keep the masses divided against each other. Go ahead dwell upon the color issue and continue to fuel your obvious racism, but do it in your country not the USA. But we the masses of the USA have had enough of the elites exploiting. So we united to elect Obama not a black man as our President because we are reunited for change. And if Obama is genuine, change is imminent not more inequality or individualism.