Helping Hands Equal Helping Hearts

Helping hands equal helping hearts

Filed under: addiction help books

If cycles of addiction can be broken, I wonder if other harmful behaviors can be stopped? I know my children missed out on a … They spent most of their free time inside reading books or outside playing in the creek and timber. They learned early to …
Read more on The Marysville Advocate


Evangelizing Young Adults

Filed under: addiction help books

Three examples from Scripture might help us better understand our current situation and the scope of our task in the years ahead: the daughter of Jairus, the Rich Young Man, and the boy in the Gospel of John's account of the multiplication of loaves …
Read more on First Things (blog)


Close encounter … Lance Armstrong and Oprah Winfrey. Photograph: George

Filed under: addiction help books

The usual, brutal rule is that celebrities only give interviews when they are attempting to sell something: a film, a book, an album. Much of the power of the best of the Parkinson-Ali chats is that, although the boxer was in England to publicise a …
Read more on The Guardian


Celebrate Recovery to kick off in Norfolk

Filed under: addiction help books

Dan Divis, a local Celebrate Recovery leader, said the program is designed to help people with a range of addictions and hang-ups, from soda pop to meth. “It's not just for drugs and alcohol,” Divis said. “It's for anybody that has any life-controlling …
Read more on Norfolk Daily News



What are stages of change and how do they apply to addiction – Stages of Change’ was developed by Prochaska & DiClemente. It basically was a basis of research about cigarette smoking literature, and it helps cognitive behavior therapists, in particular, understand the motivation of an individual who’s coming in for treatment. The first stage in the ‘Stages of Change’ is called precontemplation, meaning the client just says, “Well, I don’t really think I have a problem.” In the twelve steps of the disease model, we call that denial. “I don’t really have a problem. You think I have a problem, then that’s your problem.” The next stage is contemplation. Contemplation is, “Yeah, I’ve got a problem, but I don’t know if I want to do anything about it.” That’s often the case. Lots of people come in and say, or they say to their spouse, “I know I have a problem, but I don’t know if I really want to go through all the misery, or all that stuff to stop.” Some people stay in the contemplation phase for years. Sometimes they even go to the grave in the contemplation; they never even evolve out of it. Then the next stage, if there that balance beam of the contemplation phase eventually tips it up, is that they’ll then go into the preparation. In other words, they’ll pick up a self-help book, or they’ll maybe go to a therapist and start to learn about the resources that are available to discontinue this behavior. If that’s successful, they’ll move on to what’s called the action phase, with action being doing something. They stop gambling. They stop


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